Sunday, April 29, 2012

Not a whole lot of house stuff to show you.  They have done some stuff but nothing particularly photogenic.  They have put in the fireplace on the screened porch but I apparently didn't take any photos of it.  The "shake" (darker color on the gables) is now paired but its had to see on these photos.  It looks the same color as the roof - but its not.

OK, this has got nothing to do with the house.  Debbie was in Washington DC with her mom for the w/end and brought Ethan back a monster toy.  Since he was from DC, Ethan decided to name him Barrack Obama.  I was tidying up and discovered that he'd made the video attached all on his own...  enjoy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Sunday the 22nd April

The roof is on and the gray is the color it will be.  the cream has yet to be painted.  The painting of the trim (white) has yet to be finished.  The part where you can still see the wrap (plastic) will be covered by stone.
Trim detail over the garage entrance.

You can see the different colors.  They have not quite finished painting the back of the house.

The roof over the screened porch is not done yet.  On this you can see one of the skylights.

Tub in the master bath.  Its full cause they have to test it for leaks by filling it with water and leaving it for about a week (I think)

Hannah in what will be her bathroom.  Well, its not totally hers, but mostly.

Some of the cabling under the stairs.  There is an unbelievable amount of cable in this place.  Under the stairs will be like a mini server room.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Lot of progress

Was just looking at the last entry and was surprised how much progress has been made since then.

The screened porch

Master bed looking through to the master bath

aforementioned bath

Stairs up, front door

They have done a nice job with crown molding and details on the outside

Rear from the left

Back of the house

Rear from the right
Notice that we now have the semi circular windows and siding.  There is also... a roof.